About Me

Name: Vishal Saxena
Profession: Actor & Life Coach
Contact: +91 9949098075
Email: vishalsaxena2882@gmail.com
Location: Hyderabad
Native: Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
Screen Age: 35-40 Years
Height: 5"7 (170 cm)
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Skin Color: Fair
Languages: Hindi & English
Trainings & Experience
4 months Production Oriented Acting Workshop with Mukesh Chhabra Casting Co., Mumbai with NSD Alumini.
Acting workshop with 'The Artist Collective - Atul Mongia' Mumbai.
Actors Training with Sutradhar Theatre - Vinay Varma, Hyderabad.
I am a trained and passionate actor for over 10 years now in Theatre, Films, TV, Short films and Ads.
I have performed in Hyderabad, Pune, Bangalore, Dharwad, Ahemdabad and Mumbai in various Theatre plays.
I have great command over Hindi and English Langauage and I am a Director's Actor.
For an Artist to perform, One needs to unlock their true potential and need to be in a stable Emotional, Physical and Mental State to give his best.
When an Actor finds inner balance whatever they create on stage or screen is magic!!
Finding this inner balance myself, I know how to stay calm and transform into the character I play while forgetting the multitude of challenges we face every day

Feature Film
Ye Hai Bakrapur
Year: 2014
Language: HINDI
Role: Rizwan
Director: Janaki Vishwanathan

Short Films
Dimple (MX Player)
Year: 2021
Language: Hindi
Role: Police Inspector
Director: Adhar Siddhu
Dimple Short Film
Falak (Royal Stag Barrel Select Large Short Films)
Year: 2020
Language: Hindi
Role: Ravi Dada
Director: Venkat

Mere Sai (Sony TV)
Episode: 399, 400
Role: Diwakar
Episode: 614
Role: Police Inspector
Youtube Links:
Youtube Link
Youtube Link
Youtube Link

Theater Plays
1. Aadhi Raat ke Baad as Journalist directed by Vinay Varma - Sutradhar. Three shows Staged in Hyderabad, 2022 on World Theatre Day.
2. Bhiiti Chitra ki Mayuri as Mama in Khidkiyaan Festival directed by Kanupriya Pandit and Imtiaz Ansari. Two shows Staged in Mumbai, 2019.
3. Pagla Ghoda as Shashi in Srujan Theatre Festival directed by Saurabh Gharipurikar. Stage in Hyderabad, 2018.
4. Ramleela as 'Nandi', 'Parshuram' and 'Meghnad' directed by Surendar Sahil. Three shows Staged in Hyderabad, 2018.
5. Bungalow#144 as Major directed by Subhash Gupta. Three shows Staged in Hyderabad, 2018.
6. Sita Apaharan Case as Kishan Singh directed by Vinay Varma - Sutradhar, Staged in Hyderabad, 2017.
7. God on Trial as Laywer directed by Vishal. Two shows Staged in Kualalumpur-Malaysia, 2014.
8. Manoranjan Tax Free as Blind Actor directed by Firoz. Two shows staged in Pune, 2011.
9. Pagal Ghar as Doctor directed by Vinay Varma - Sutradhar. Staged in Hyderabad, 2011.
10. Sita Apharan Case as Politician directed by Vinay Varma - Sutradhar. 11 Shows staged in Hyderabad, Bangalore, Dharwad, Ahemdabad from 2010 to 2011.